
Thursday 11 April 2019

Making Foil Art

Hello again, this week we had another art activity. This time our art includes tinfoil,colourful sharpies and yarns. 

First we had to draw our pattern. My pattern was a little bit weird. My one looked more like a snake. Some of us decided to do our name into a pattern.

Then we had to add a string or yarn over the lines. After that we place tinfoil over in the middle. The tinfoil had to be a little bit bigger then the paper.The we pressed it down on the back so that it would stand out more. We fold the extra bit of the tin foil and then we coloured it in.

We chose our 2 or 3 colours of sharpie. We were not allowed to put the same colour next to each other.

Here is how it looks:

Always welcome to give some feedback.
Can you Guess which one is mine?
It has the colour pink, dark pink and blue.


  1. Hi Venice,
    I love your art work because it stands out. Was it hard to put the string on and getting your self all gluey? Do you have anything that you could improve next time ? 😃

    1. Thank you for Commenting on my blog post. Yes it was hard to put the string on it took me a while to get the hang of it. Well the glue was gooey so i suppose my fingers got sticky and all. I think what I can improve on is a better pattern.

  2. I think that your artwork is amazing.some of them are really cool looking. Can you tell me how you did it please?

  3. Thanks for showing these. I haven't seen them elsewhere yet, but I'll look into them.Gold stamping foil


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